About Pinecone

Hi! My name is Russ, from Pinecone Graphic.

I am a father, husband, Pittsburgh Penguins fan, pixel artist and game designer. I also prefer the fireplace channel over the aquarium channel and drink my coffee with two cream and three sugar.

I began creating pixel art and exploring game development in 2014. I realized quickly that if I were to want to program my own games I would need to learn a lot of things from the bottom up, and the curve has been extremely steep for me. I continue to experiment with coding, using GameMaker Studio’s GML and Lua via the PICO8 fantasy console to make small, hacked together things which I like to share, but I found it much easier to excel at pixel art as a medium for games.

Here is a chrono-list of the completed projects I’ve made pixel art for. I’ll update this as needed.

Chronological list of completed projects:

1. You are an astronaut adrift in Untethered



2. Operate a small farm and supply a town with fresh food in Pinetown


3. Protect the Wizard’s treasures in Crashy Boulder

(Crashy Boulder)


4. Play in some fast paced retro hockey in Zipper League Hockey

(Zipper League Hockey)

5. Navigate an infinite ocean, and fish until your fuel runs out in Anchors Away

(Anchors Away)



Thanks for reading!